There are numerous indicators to look out for that will cause you to buy new tires for your vehicle. However, attempting to figure out the precise time span for how long your tires last is nearly impossible.
There are numerous elements that factor into the longevity and mileage of a tire, subject to:
• Weather forecast
• Tire’s model type
• Driving routine
• How driver handles tires
• Road’s habitat
What we do know is, that the more beating a tire takes on, the more likelihood that it is unsafe to drive. A tire tread’s initial design is to reroute water from beneath the tire, which leads to improvements in traction on the road and less hydroplaning when the ground is wet. The more worn that the tire gets, the more undependable it gets. Once the tire shallows down to 1/16th of an inch, it is considered totally unsafe. Professionals, however, suggest that you don’t wait until your tires get to that point to get new tires because your safety will be in jeopardy in bad weather conditions.
How to Tell If It’s Time for New Tires
Did you know you can determine the condition of your tires for as low as one cent? Most commonly known as the penny test, you can test your tire’s tread by inserting your penny into various grooves along the tread. If the top of Lincoln’s head is showing when you put the penny in, that means that tread is low and your tires are unsafe. At this point you’ll want to seriously consider replacing your tires. On the other hand, if you can’t see Lincoln’s head, that means you have about 2/32 of an inch remaining before you need to think about getting new tires.
The Penny Experiment
There are still many other factors contribute to the determent of tires that are often out of your control, which includes weather cracking and sidewall integrity. As tires either age or are exposed to extreme weather conditions, the rubber begins to lose elasticity and cracks appear on the surface. Some cracking might not mean you need new tires, but if you notice a lot of splintering, it's a good idea to take your car to a tire shop where a professional can help you determine if you need new tires.
Tire Alignment
If you need new tires, we can help you choose the right tires for your needs and budget. We’re also here for you if you need a tire repair, understanding that not every tire problem warrants new tires. Likewise, we’ll give you honest advice on whether it’s time for a wheel alignment, so you can help prolong the life of your current tires or get the most out of your new tires. Bottom line—you can trust us when it comes to tires.