It’s important for drivers to recognize when they need to have their vehicles serviced. Car overheating, without a doubt, warrants a trip to the auto repair shop, or you risk damaging your vehicle to the point of no return. If a vehicle’s radiator goes bad, then it could have an impact on the entire car, for if an engine isn’t able to stay cool, it can lead to other problems, including transmission failure. Read on for more information about what to do if your car is:
• Overheating
• How to identify a radiator leak
• Getting a radiator repair
Looking Out for Radiator Leaks to Prevent Car Overheating
If you’re driving along and notice your temperature gauge moving toward the red, your car isn’t going to immediately explode or anything like that; however, driving with an overheating engine can cause serious damage to your car. It’s best to pull over and deal with car overheating right away rather than risking very expensive auto repairs later. If your car is overheating, turn off the A/C, as running the air conditioning puts strain on your engine, and turn on the heater. This blows some excess heat from the engine into your car. While it’s not ideal on a hot day, it does help cool the engine down. You can also put your car in park and rev the engine. This makes the radiator fan and water pump work faster, which pulls more air and water through your car’s radiator. Keep in mind, these are only temporary fixes until you get to an auto repair shop.
Issues with Your Radiator Warranting a Radiator Repair
As previously stated, the most standard cause of car overheating issues derives from the radiator. Radiator leaks, clogs, and radiator fan problems hinder heat from properly fleeing your car. In turn this leads to the engine temperature to increase. If you have any inkling that you may have a radiator issue, get your radiator inspected immediately because getting your radiator repaired or replaced is significantly more cost efficient than repairing or replacing your engine.
Call Us If Car Overheating Has You Under Pressure
While some of the tips we have listed for you may assist in cooling down your engine, they are only temporary fixes. It is crucial to get the problem fixed as fast as possible to avoid further damage of your vehicle. We will happily inspect your vehicle for radiator problems and get to the root of your overheating problems. It is much more affordable and less complicated to fix the problem with your radiator than it is to repair your transmission or engine. So give us a call immediately if you’re experiencing anything related to radiator leaks or engine overheating and we will fix it!